SunOS newsyslog bug

Jean Chouanard (
Fri, 26 Aug 1994 15:41:01 --100

I was surprise to see that in SunOS (4.1.3 and U1) the command
/usr/lib/newsyslog do a 'chmod 666' on the $LOG (= syslog) file he just 
Thus, after running newsyslog, which is done in the crontab,
the new log files is writable by everybody :-(

Does this chmod has been corrected by Sun?


/EARTH is 98% full.  Please delete anybody you can.
Jean Chouanard               |  E-Mail :
System Support Engineer      |  Phone : (33) 76 61 50 90
Rank Xerox Research Centre   |  fax :   (33) 76 61 50 99